Freshly arrived

They were eagerly awaited, and now they are here – the first two fuel cell trucks in the Meyer Logistik fleet. On 18 March, the two “clean men” from Hyundai went into service at the Freienbrink site. From there, they now have to prove their suitability for everyday use in double-shift operation in the greater Berlin area.

Oliver Schramm, fleet manager at Meyer Logistik, is convinced of the fuel cell technology. He says: “With a full tank charge of around 31 kilogrammes of hydrogen, a hydrogen truck drives more than 400 almost emission-free kilometres and thus significantly further than an e-truck with a battery charge. In addition, the refuelling process only takes 15 minutes, whereas an “electric truck” has to be connected to the “cable” for hours to be ready for use again. Once a nationwide network of filling stations powered by sustainably produced hydrogen is in place, fuel cell technology, especially in the truck sector, will be superior to electric drive in many respects, in my view.”

It will take some time until that point is reached, but the start has been made. Now it is up to the two “newcomers” to show what they are capable of and to further confirm the assessment of the fleet manager.

Practice makes perfect

„Das hat mir großen Spaß gemacht und wirklich was gebracht!“, sagt Ali Ramadan begeistert am Ende des anspruchsvollen Fahrertrainings, an dem er gerade teilgenommen hat.

Rethinking competence in freshness

Seit gut drei Jahren bietet Meyer Logistik auch "Medical Services“ an. Mit einer Flotte von mittlerweile über 40 Fahrzeugen – teilweise elektrisch angetrieben – werden von den Standorten Essen und Iserlohn aus täglich rund 6.000 medizinische Proben bei Arztpraxen und Kliniken im gesamten Ruhrgebiet eingesammelt und zum Labor im Hygieneinstitut Gelsenkirchen zur weiteren Analyse gebracht.