Next generation of trolleybuses goes into operation

This is already the second overhead line truck we are using in real-life operation on the A5 in Hesse. In addition to dynamic charging on the overhead line, these new vehicles also have the option of charging the batteries at charging stations. This can save further CO₂.

Our Managing Director Matthias Strehl is also enthusiastic about another aspect: “Not only does it save us diesel and thus CO2, but we can also reduce noise emissions, especially in areas close to cities, and thus sometimes drive to our customers at night, which is not always possible now.”

Electric trucks: taking stock

Die beiden E-Lkw, die seit November 2014 frische Lebensmittel in Berlin transportieren, lohnen sich auf jeden Fall. Denn insgesamt sparen wir mit vollelektrisch angetriebenen Lkw Energie!